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Leaf Pattern Design

Tzitlalli Gonzalez

Teacher Education Major:

Art Education





Extra Curriculars:

  • Mentor in the Redbird Education Scholars Program

  • Dancer in Pooise Dance Team at ISU


  • Basic conversational skills in Spanish

  • Extensive understanding of the application Canva

Teaching Philosphy

As an art educator, I strive to make a safe space for students of all backgrounds. My students should feel as if they have a way to creatively express themselves in a way, they may not be able to do with words. I will implement reflections and discussions with each project to help students to communicate what their art means and how they came to their final products.

Clinical Experieces

Fall Semester 2023 - Tch 212

Fall Semester 2023 - Art 201

Spring Semester 2024 Tch 216

Spring Semester 2024 Art 211

Normal West School District 5 

  • Observed a high school Photography class- mixed grade.

  • The class did both darkroom and Digital Photography

Oakland Elementary School District 87 

  • Taught a book-based craft to a kindergarten class.

  • Taught a Bird related craft to a first grade class.

  • Taught a Cubism lesson and drawing exercise to a third-grade class.


  • Observed a Musical theater class of 7th and 8th Graders

  • Taught 3 lessons on Fundamentals of Animations to 7th and 8th Graders

  • Observed a Digital Animation Class


  • Did a three-day lesson on creating an original character for a digital animation class of 7th and 8th graders

  • Observed a digital animation class

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